Meet Mike Boren, Painter

Mike Boren, Painter

Art has played an important role in Mike’s life since he was a very young boy. His Dad would sit with him for hours showing ways to improve his drawing skills.

As he grew up and improved, he developed a keen interest in mechanical subjects; cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes which he drew constantly. At nineteen, he was summoned to Vietnam. Though his training was in radio communications, he still continued to draw. Having been asked by the CO, who saw his drawings, asked him to submit and publish in military publications. This could have been the start of his art career, but he didn’t stick with it. Mike states that he has had “an on-and-off relationship with creating art to this day.”

At age 50 he happened to see a copy of a painting that inspired him so much that he decided that he was going to learn to paint, moving from pencil to paint. He basically taught himself about painting; certainly not the most direct path to becoming a skilled painter.

As his skills progressed and he started showing his work at art shows and competitions, he was met with lots of feedback from those more experienced and trained. Though his confidence was rattled enough, he didn’t give up. Time progressed and so did his art.

He joined different art groups to further the learning process and that experience had a significant impact on his work. He received “Artist of the Year” award from two of the groups which was a landmark achievement for him and his confidence.

Since that time, he has made aviation art his primary topic. Making his efforts count in the most valued way, he paints planes of World War II and donates them to the brave veterans that flew in them during that conflict.

For all of us, Mike shares, “there is a path that curves and turns with many obstacles and surprises along the way. If you stay on that path, you will never reach the end. But along the way the rewards are wonderful, and the journey is so worthwhile.”